Additional Job Resources

Important: For guidance on preparing and submitting application materials, please visit the links below. Should you have additional questions, please contact GlobalCorps prior to submitting your application.

Resource Center

Many PSC positions require experience in the field of international development and/or humanitarian assistance. Many PSC positions require project management experience. Other positions may require a minimum of 2-3 years of international experience in humanitarian assistance or disaster response. We recognize that this can be a difficult hurdle for applicants, especially new college graduates. Therefore, we provide the resources below to assist in your search to obtain the required experience.

Click on the following links for a brief listing.

1. Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) International Affairs & Development Job Resources (PDF):

International development sector Agencies, Organizations, Contractors, and Job Boards and Listservs that can be used as a tool to target your job search and to build experience in order to prepare for OTI positions.

2. Humanitarian Assistance Professional Resources (PDF):

A compilation of humanitarian sector Job Sites, Volunteer Opportunities, Training Opportunities, and Academic Programs that can be used as a tool to target your job search and to build experience in order to prepare for humanitarian assistance positions. Acknowledgement: Portions of the information in the second PDF have been adapted from the website and the contributions are gratefully acknowledged.