XLA works under a subcontract agreement with the Jefferson Consulting Group to support the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Global Health by recruiting Personal Services Contractors (PSCs) needed to fill open positions within the agency.

USAID’s programs in global health represent the commitment and determination of the U.S. Government to prevent suffering, save lives, and create a brighter future for families in the developing world. USAID’s commitment to improving global health includes confronting global health challenges through improving the quality, availability, and use of essential health services. USAID’s objectives include ending preventable child and maternal deaths, creating an AIDS-free generation and building capacity to fight infectious diseases. The Bureau for Global Health is organized into technical offices around these objectives. Personal Service Contractors can provide direct support to most technical offices within the Agency.


Current Open PSC Positions with USAID/Global Health:

(No current open positions)



If you have questions about open positions or need guidance on applying for USAID/Global Health positions, please contact us at globalhealth@globalcorps.com. 


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